Join us for Culture Collision 13!

Wednesday, September 20, 2023
5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Jefferson Performing Arts Center

Dancing Grounds

Dancing Grounds
Developing young leaders. Promoting health & wellness. Advocating for social change. Dancing Grounds is a multigenerational arts organization that brings inclusive and accessible dance programs to New Orleans residents of all ages. In the words of our community:
  • “Dancing Grounds is my therapy & my meditation.”
  • “Dancing Grounds is a home for diversity, embracing all races, ages, and abilities.”
  • “Dancing Grounds is important to me because it’s a place where I can go to dance and express myself, which is necessary to maintain my physical and mental health.”
  • “Dancing Grounds is a model for fighting against oppression. Our dance studios feel like a truly safe space where we can authentically express who we are as young artists and release our stresses amongst a loving community of peers and adults.”
Check us out at or on instagram.